Lot No. 15 Begins in the centre of Oriskany creek at the SouthEasterly corner of Lot No. 14, a Stake on the Westerly bank by an Elm tree marked 14=15, thence in the Southerly line of Lot No. 14, N 84" W 91"50 Lin a Stake 12 Lin SE from a Small beach tree marked 14=15, thence S 22"34 W 20"63 Lin a Stake marked 15=16, about 75 Lin S from the centre of the Road, thence S 89" E 52"70 Lin to the centre of Oriskany creek, a Stake on the Westerly bank 6 Lin ESE from a bass tree marked 15=16, thence down the center of the main creek to the place of Beginning: Containing A 125" 76/100 Sold by Superintendants to Thomas Dean for Jacob Scipio & Wife Betty [unclear] & Sylvester Scipio