Lot No. 4 Begins at the Southeast corner of Lot No. 3, a stake 12 Lin SW from a beech tree marked 3=4, thence in the Easterly line of the [unclear] S 7"15" W 12"90 Lin a stake 32 Lin N 52" E from a beech tree marked 4=5, thence N 88"30" W 78"73 Lin a stake marked 4=6. thence N 7"15" E 12"90 Lin to the Southwest corner of Lot No. 3, a stake marked 3=4, thence in the southerly line of Lot No. 3. S88"30" E 78" 73 Lin to the place of Beginning: containing A 101" 01/100 Sold to Thomas Dean March 24 1830