Lot No. 23 Begins in the centre of Oriskany creek at the Southwesterly corner of Lot No. 22, a Stake on the Easterly bank by a maple tree marked 22=23, thence in the southerly line of Lot No. 22, S 83"30" E 71"55 Lin to the Easterly line a Stake marked 22=23, thence in the Easterly line S 9"15" W 13"53 Lin a Stake marked 23=24, thence N 83"30" W 84"35 Lin to the centre of Oriskany creek a Stake on the Easterly bank 22 Lin S 14" E from a beach tree marked 23=24, thence down the centre of the main creek to the place of Beginning: Containing A 107" 48/100 *3 1/2 acres Water privilege Sold by Super'dts for Moses Solomon & Barsha Paul to Asa Dick April 4th 1828 -| July 1st 1830 part of this lot sold to Edward Peck for Asa Dick 83 1/3 acres Sold by same for same to Orrin Gridley July 3rd 1828 - the remainder being the middle part of the west end belongs to [unclear] Barsha Paul Water privilege Sold to T. Dean for Town Feb'y 4th 1834 16 2/3 acres middle part Sold by Alida Scipio kin of Barsha Paul to David T[unclear] 16 2/3 acres Feb'y 4th 1834 Sold for David T[unclear] to Orrin Gridly # April 17" 1838.. 42 rods of the 3 1/2 acres Sold to S. Buckingham for Asa Dick