Brothertown Indians in account with the Superintendants 1803 To Cash paid J. Elliott for conveying Goods to B.Town 27.28 Ditto - J. Collins for printing - 12.75 Ditto - J. Kirkland for his Salary - 125. To Amount of H McNeils a/c - 1590.63 " error in Ditto - 1.50 " Cash paid J. Wyatt an Indian at Albany - 2. " Bal'ce pr. Comptrollers certificate - 408.6 Doll's 2.167.22 1803 By Bal'ce of o/a - 6.43 By Annuity received from the Treas'r. 2160.79 Doll's 2.167.22 By Balance of oa/c - 408.6