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Counterpart of Lease from Christopher Jeaffreson Esq to The Rt. Honble. the Lord Romney of a Plantation etc. in St. Christopher's for 30 years and an half from 25th March 1758 (docket title).
Christr. Jeaffreson Esqr. to The Right Hoñble Lord Romney } Lease of a Plantation in the Island of Saint Christopher in America For 30 Years from Michãs 1788. Yearly Rent £400. and 40. Gallons of Rum. (docket title).
1756? Abstract of ye Title of Chrisr. Jeaffreson Esqr to a Plantation called Wingfield Manor in ye Parish of St. Thomas in the Island of St. Christophers (docket title).
1756. 10 Oct. James George Douglas to Christopher Jeaffreson...
Christopher Jeaffreson Esqr to The Right Honble Lord Romney } Lease of Plantation in the Island of Saint Christopher in America For 30 Years from Michaelmas 1788. Yearly Rent 400£ and Forty Gallons of Rum } (docket title).
1757. 4 Feb. Robert Savage to Christopher Jeaffreson
Bond from Ld Romney and Messrs Douglas and Neave to Mr Jeaffreson for payment and Rent and observance of Covts. in Lease./ Dat 25th March 1758/ (docket title).
1758? Bond from Lord Romney and Mr Neave to Mr Jeaffreson for Payment of Rent and observance of Covenants in Lease. (docket title).
Mr Neave Relative to the Renewal of ye lease of the St Christopher Estate on the part of Lord Romney April 14 1781 wth Mr Jeaffresons Ansr April 19 1781 (docket title).
1781. 8 May. Richard Neave to Christopher Jeaffreson
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