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My dear sir, I have but a moment to thank you in my own & son's behalf for your kind attentions. Boston 6th Oct. '41 [1841]
Berlin, July 15, 1828. To Mr. Robinson
Utica, Nov. 5, 1838. Rev. Edward Robinson D.D., Berlin
New Haven, Jan. 30, 1839. Rev. Edward Robinson, aux soins de M. M. DeLaunay et comp. en France
New Haven, Ap. 24, 1839. Rev. Edward Robinson, D.D. Berlin, Prusse
Buffalo, May 27, 1839. Monday. Rev. Edward Robinson, D.D. Berlin
Detroit, June 24, 1839. Rev. Edward Robinson, D.D. Berlin, Prusse
Detroit, Jan 31, 1840. Rev. Edward Robinson, D.D., Berlin Prussia
Detroit, May 27, 1840. Rev. Edward Robinson, D.D., Berlin Prussia
London, Nov 2, 1837. a Mons. le Professeur Robinson, aux soins de Mr. le Major Schlüsser, à Berlin
London, Nov 17, 1837. Monsieur le Professeur Robinson, aux soins de Mr. le Major Schlüsser, à Berlin
25 mai 1838. L'égation des Etats Unis d'Amérique en Prusse
28th day of April A.D. 1862. I the Undersigned Secretary of State of the United States of America hereby request all whom it may concern to permit safely and freely to pass Edward Robinson (accompanied by his wife and daughter)
22nd day of September, A.D. 1864. I the Undersigned Secretary of State of the United States of America hereby request all whom it may concerm to permit safely and freely to pass Mrs. Therese Robinson accompanied by her Daughter (a minor)
Le Soussigné, Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentaire des Etats Unis d'Amérique près la Cour de La Majesté le Roi de Prusse, prie tous ceux qui sont à prier de laisser surement et librement passer, et en cas de besoin de donner aide et protection à Monsieur Edward Robinson. Donné à Berlin, le 24 Novembre [1852]
Berlin Inn 6ten Februar, 1852. Hochverehrte freundin, wie leid es mir tut nicht zu Können!
Berlin d. 17t. Mai 1852 [17 May, 1852]. Letter by Carl Ritter, written in German
Stettin, der 17th Mai, 1852. Herr den frier Professor Robinson gründen in Berlin, Franz Strass, N. 8
Berlin, den 23. Mai 1829
Berlin, in Mai 1852. Inscription by W. Alexis Haering, written in German
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