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Affidavit, 1 p., signed by Sir William Trelawny and dated Jamaica...
Sketchbook, Oct. 1842 and 1911
journal du voyage du Baron Grant en revenant de l'isle de france en Europe, en 1758. (ms. cover title)
Journal. Steamer Tagus to Gibraltar & Troop ship Apollo to Jamaica from Oct. 31, 1839-April 26, 1840. 11.5 x 9.5 cm. Brown leather cover with metal closure. Box 21
New Smyrna, E. F. 27th Feby 1840. ALS to Hon. J. L. Tillinghast...
On board HMS Gloucester, Barbados, 26 Feb. 1823
24 July 1775. Certificate of Incumbrances respecting Low Layton Plantation Jamaica (docket title)
Item from MS245. Jamaica Plantations and Slaves. 32 manuscript letters and documents, 91 total pages, dated 1759-1847, written by agents and overseers on Jamaican plantations, mostly, to the owners in England, William Philip Perrin and Sir Henry Fitzherbert. Box 24
Item from MS245. Jamaica Plantations and Slaves. 32 manuscript letters and documents, 91 total pages, dated 1759-1847, written by agents and overseers on Jamaican plantations, mostly, to the owners in England, William Philip Perrin and Sir Henry Fitzherbert. Box 24
Item from MS245. Jamaica Plantations and Slaves. 32 manuscript letters and documents, 91 total pages, dated 1759-1847, written by agents and overseers on Jamaican plantations, mostly, to the owners in England, William Philip Perrin and Sir Henry Fitzherbert. Box 24
Item from MS262. Jamaica. 2 documents.
Estimate of rum and duties for Jamaica, Barbados, Antigua,…
Letter to D. Wescomb, Whitehall, 15 Nov. 1727
On board HMS Gloucester, Barbados, 10 March 1823
On board HMS Gloucester, Barbados, 26 March 1823
On board HMS Gloucester, Barbados, 28 March 1823
7th Augt. 1755 Committee Order for staying proceedgs. in Mr. Price's last appeal. (docket title)
Warrant from Iustices of Peace of denbigh March 11th. (docket title)
Case. -- Mr. Sollicitor Genl. -- For your Opinion. -- (docket title)
Memoir of military service, 1776-1779, ms journal
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