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Memorandum to accompany "Folio on [?] property in the W. Indies"..
Bakers Map 1748
J: B: Gordon Esqrs Estate 1794
Manuscript sketches of two plans labelled "No 34" and "No 35"...
Farqd. Campbell To Rose Debuque Dr. 17 March 1813. Ms. receipt...
Billinghurst, Joseph, Crown and Colony Surveyor. [diagram of land in the Warrawarrou Valley of St. Vincent] May, 1813
The Estate of James B. Gordon Esqr. Lying in the Division of Old North Sound, called Sanderson's. A Copy By, James Chalmers--Surveyor Genl.
9 Jan. 1765-20 June 1771. . . [book of patents for Grenada]
Amesbury, Massachusetts, and St. Vincent, 29 June 1773-Jan. 1812...
On a Certificate of provisions... St. Vincent, 9 May 1775
Covenant by the Count of Polignac in contemplation of his Marriage with Miss Barbara Campbell to execute a Settlement of his property. (docket title)
George Lowman Esqr. to Francis Cabot Esqr. } Lease for a year. (docket title)
Mr Jackson To Jno Statham Esqr and another } Assignment of two Annuities of £50 and £40 (docket title)
Copy of a Deposition of Mr. Jno. Ridley In the Letter of the Lds. Commrs. of Trade of Febry. 1th 1707/8. In the D. of Newcastle's May 16. os 1728 (docket title)
Lincolns Inn, 29 Sept. 1819. ALS to "Sir George Douglas Bart."
Grant, John, fl. 1819. London, 28 Sept. 1819. Ms. copy of letter "To...
Sir C Brisbane to Mr Crokatt 2 Dec 1810 (docket title)
Great Baddon, Essex, 28 Aug. 1815
Woodley, John
La Rauchelle to Wm Bell Esqr and ors. } Release. (docket title)
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