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Letter from John Dean to his wife, Lucinda, on June 14, 1836 from Chicago, Illinois
Letter from John Dean to his wife, Lucinda, on July 5, 1836 from Chicago, Illinois
Letter from Lucinda M. Dean to her husband, John Dean, on September 3, 1844 from Lairdsville, Includes a letter from M. Louisa Dean (daughter), September 4, 1844 and a note from George Dean (son), September 4, 1844
Letter from Susan M. Hale to her uncle and aunt, John and Lucinda Dean, on October 31, 1842 from Detroit, Michigan
Letter from T. C. Chittenden to his friends [and sister, Lucinda Dean] on October 28, 1842 from Adams, New York
Letter from T. C. Chittenden to his sister Lucinda Dean on August 9, 1864 from Detroit, Michigan
Letter from T. C. Chittenden to his sister Lucinda Dean on November 8, 1864 from Watertown, New York
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