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Letter written by Henry W. Fielding from Camp Remount, near Sandy Hook, Maryland, on October 29, 1864, to his sister, Roselia H. Taylor, and his brother, Stephen Feilding, of Russia Corners, New York
Letter written by Henry W. Fielding from Camp Stoneman, Maryland, on March 23, 1864, to his sister, Mrs. Roselia H. Taylor, and brother, Stephen Feilding, of Russia Corners, New York
Letter written by Henry W. Fielding from Near Stafford Courthouse, Virginia, on April 1, 1863, to his sister, Rosalia H. Taylor, and brother
Letter written by Henry W. Fielding from Camp Seldon on February 3, 1862, to his sister, Mrs. Roselia H. Taylor
Letter written by Henry W. Fielding from Rappahanock Station, Virginia, on July 29, 1863, to his sister, Mrs. Roselia H. Taylor, of Russia Corners, New York
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