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A collection of meetings, minutes, and their summary of the Board of Trustees of the International Institute of China from April 20, 1927 to July 11, 1927
Bill for packing and shipping services to Dr. Richard A. Parker from the Manhattan Storage & Warehouse Co., January 21,1930
By-laws of the International Institute of China, Incorporated, 1921
Certificate of insurance for Max Hoerter from the Orient Insurance Company, January 31, 1930
Clipping from a Utica, NY newspaper reporting about the shipment of a bronze bust of Gilbert Reid to China, 1930
Collection of letters to members, minutes, and financial statements of the Sub Committee of the Board of Trustees of the International Institute of China pertaining to Gilbert Reid's illness, and John Gilbert Reid's withdrawal as secretary to the Institute from April 20, 1927 to June 29, 1927
Draft of a letter to his niece from Gilbert Reid, 1927
Draft of a letter to the Sub-Committee of the Board of Trustees of the International Institute of China, 1927
Envelope from a letter to John Gilbert Reid from Stephen Yang, January 13, 1929
Leaflet circulated by Pacific Affairs with a handwritten date, December 3, 1930
Letter to A.S. Jerwan and Mrs. A.S. Jerwan from John Gilbert Reid, November 25, 1929
Letter to Alice M.C. Walsh from John Gilbert Reid, August 11, 1931
Letter to Anthony H. Evans from Gilbert Reid, May 9, 1927
Letter to B. Wolflin from Gilbert Reid, May 14, 1927
Letter to Catherine Cook from John Gilbert Reid, June 19, 1932
Letter to Chao Shih-chun and Bih Yuan Hart from John Gilbert Reid, August 10, 1930
Letter to Chao Shih-chun and Bih Yuan Hart from John Gilbert Reid, August 13, 1931
Letter to Chao Shih-chun and Bih Yuan Hart from John Gilbert Reid, August 27, 1929
Letter to Chao Shih-chun and Bih Yuan Hart from John Gilbert Reid, February 12, 1929
Letter to Chao Shih-chun and Bih Yuan Hart from John Gilbert Reid, February 7, 1929
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