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[Mein verehrter] Freund! Berl. d. 18te März 1850 [18th March 1850]
13 April, 1870. Auszug aus den Civilstands-Registern zu Eppendorf hamburgischen Landgebeits
21st day of June 1837. I the undersigned, Secretary of State of the United States of America, hereby request all whom it may concern, to permit safely and freely to pass Revd Edward Robinson D.D. and Professor of Theology
22nd day of September, A.D. 1864. I the Undersigned Secretary of State of the United States of America hereby request all whom it may concerm to permit safely and freely to pass Mrs. Therese Robinson accompanied by her Daughter (a minor)
25 mai 1838. L'égation des Etats Unis d'Amérique en Prusse
409 Hudson St. 1 Jan. 1844. Mrs. (Professor) Robinson, enclosed, I beg leave to send you the speciman of an Indian song which I mentioned as having procured for you during my recent visit to Canada
7te Vorstellung im letzten Sommer-Abonnement. Königlich Sächsisches Hoftheater. Deutsches Schauspiel in der Stadt. Montags, am 27. August 1827. Wilhelm Tell. Historisches Schauspiel in 2 Akten von Schiller. Die Oüverture und die zur Handlung gehörige Musik ist vom Königl. Preuss. Kapellmeister A. Weber
Andover, 14 Dec. 1829. Mr. Edward Robsinson, Paris (France). To the care of Messrs Curtis & Porter
Andover, 9 Feb. 1829. Mr. Edward Robinson. Paris (France). Aux soins de Messrs. Curtis & Porter
April 19, 1865. Mrs. Therese Robinson, Trebbiner Str 10, Berlin
Au Reverend Dr. Theol. Professor E. Robinson in New York. Berlin d. 29 Juni, 1851 [29 June 1851]
Catskill, Oct. 28th 1828. Mr. Edward Robinson, care of Messieurs B. Curtis & Porter, Paris
Catskill, Sept 23rd, 1828. Mr. Edward Robinson, to the care of Messieurs B. Curtis & Porter, Paris
Detroit, Jan 31, 1840. Rev. Edward Robinson, D.D., Berlin Prussia
Detroit, Oct. 8th 1844. Rev. Edward Robinson D.D., 257 Green Street, New York
Dienstag den 9. October 1827. K.K. Hof-Burgtheater. Von den k.k. Hof-Schauspielern: Sühnung. K.K. Hoftheater nächst dem Kärnthnerthore. Gulistan, oder: Der Hulla von Samarcanda
Eleventh day of May 1826. I the undersigned, Secretary of State of the United States of America, hereby request all whom it may concern, to permit safely and freely to pass Edward Robinson A.M
Friedrich Breuninger, Gastgeber zum goldenen Kreuz in Regensburg
Gasthof zum Riesen am Markt No. 1147. in Gotha
Good Friday [April 15] 1870. My dear Mr. Robinson, we are all struck with surprise & grief by the sudden demise of your mother
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