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The New England Historic-Genealogical Society... at a meeting held in Boston on the 3d dat of February, AD 1858, elected Edward Robinson of New York to be a corresponding member of said society
This certifies that Edward Robinson is a member of the American Oriental Society. Boston... Sept. 7th 1842
Washington, D.C., March 2, 1867. My dear Sir: I have the pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of you letter of the 13th ultimo
Madison, Wis. March 8th 1854. Prof. Edward Robinson, D.D. Sir: It is my pleasing duty to inform you that at a meeting of the Executive Committee, you were duly elected an honorary member of the State Historical Society of Wisonsin
Andover, Mch. 4, 1831. Prof. Robinson, Dear Sir, At a recent meeting of hte Assoc. for Inquiry respecting revivals of religion
New Haven, Sept. 8, 1830. Professor Edward Robinson, care of George Robinson, New Haven
New Haven, Nov. 29, 1837, Wednesday. Rev. Edward Robinson D.D., Care of American Consul, Alexandria, Egypt
Detroit, June 24, 1839. Rev. Edward Robinson, D.D. Berlin, Prusse
Detroit, March 23, 1840. Rev. Edward Robinson, D.D., Berlin Prussia
Detroit, April 20, 1840. Rev. Edward Robinson, D.D., Berlin Prussia
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