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Washington 13 May 1826. Hise Excellency the Barone Niebuhr, Minister of his Prussian Majesty at Rome. Mr. Robinson
409 Hudson St. 1 Jan. 1844. Mrs. (Professor) Robinson, enclosed, I beg leave to send you the speciman of an Indian song which I mentioned as having procured for you during my recent visit to Canada
Department of State Washington, April 1st, 1844. Sir, I have the honor to inform you that the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, has appointed me Secretary of State of the United States
Yours truly Henry W. Longfellow
Department of State, Washington, November 14, 1868. Sir: In response to the request contained in your note of the 12th instant, I have the honor to inform you
New Haven, Dec. 29th 1829. Mr. Edward Robinson, care of Messieurs B. Curtis & Porter, Paris
New Haven, Feb. 5th 1830. Mr. Edward Robinson, care of Messieurs B. Curtis & Porter, Paris
Southington, March 5th 1830. Mr. Edward Robinson, care of Messieurs B. Curtis & Porter, Paris
London, Nov 2, 1837. a Mons. le Professeur Robinson, aux soins de Mr. le Major Schlüsser, à Berlin
June 20, 1827 to July 31, 1828. Autograph book of Edward Robinson
January 14, 1812 to April 18, 1821. Autograph book of Therese Robinson
Rectory Barley, Royston Herts Oct. 6, 1840. The Rev. E. Robinson, 19 Sidmouth Street, Regent Square, London
Botley Hill near Southampton, Saturday night 18th October. Doctor Robinson, 19 Sidmouth Street, Regent Square, London
London, Aug't 3, 1841. The Rev'd Dr. Robinson, Care of George Robinson Esq., Northampton Mass
Albermarle Street, London, August 29, 1849. The Rev'd Dr. Edward Robinson, New York, U.S
St. Germain near Paris, April the 15th, 1785. Doctor Kirkland. Forward by Col. Wadworth
I certify that Edward Robinson has, this fourth day of September... 0ne thousand eight hundred and twenty-two... deposited in the Office of the Department of State, a certain Book... the copy-right wherof is claimed
Peterboro June 18, 1861. Professor Robinson, University, New York. The bearer is Mr. Louis Jarnacque
Department of State, Washington, 28th Feby 1866. My dear Sir: your very interesting letter of the 27th ultimo, and its accompaniment, have been received
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