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The New England Historic-Genealogical Society... at a meeting held in Boston on the 3d dat of February, AD 1858, elected Edward Robinson of New York to be a corresponding member of said society
Memoir of the Rev. William Robinson Correction and Additions [1859]
Rev. Dr. Sprague, Albany, 23 May, 1856
Rev. Dr. Sprague, May 29, 1856
Dr. J.S. Barnes, Apl. 2, 1855
E. Clapp Jr., Apl. 18, 1855
S.G. Drake, June 5, 1855
Yarmouth Port, Mass., June 9, 1855. Rev. Edward Robinson, Sir, I have received your favor the the 6th inst
Boston, April 8, 1856. Dear Sir, excuse me for the long delay in answering your letter
E. Clapp, Apl. 17, '56 [1856]
Boston, May 15, 1856. Dr. Robinson, Dear sir, This morning I have been to look over the town records of Dorchester
Dorchester, Sept. 22, 1856. Dr. Robinson, Dear sir, In answer to your letter of Sept 12th, I reply that the assertion in the last
E. Clapp , Jr., May 23, 1857
Rev. O. Myrick, Aug. 13, 1857
J. Charlton, Oct 10, 1854
Rev. Pres't Day, dec. 27, '54 [1854]
J.W. Thornton, 20 Court St., Boston, July 11th, 1855
J.T. Norton, Dec. 10, 1857. Family
Saml Wolcott, Providence, Dec. 21, 1857
Morrill Robinson, Feb 15, 1858
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