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May 19th. 1817 April 13, by Albany. Miss Eliza Kirkland, Clinton, Oneida Co. State N. York
Cambridge Ms, April 15, 1817 by Albany. Miss Eliza Kirkland, Clinton, Oneida County, State N. York
Cambridge Mass, July 24. July 23, 1817 by Albany. Miss Eliza Kirkland, Clinton, Oneida Co. State N. York
Cambridge Ms, Sept'r 16. Sept 15, 1817 by Albany. Miss Eliza Kirkland, Clinton, Oneida Co. S. N. York
Cambridge Ms, Feb'y 20, 1818 by Albany. Miss Eliza Kirkland, Clinton, Oneida Co. N York
April 8, 1818 by Albany. Miss E. Kirkland, Clinton, Oneida Co. State N. York
Aug. 5, 1818 by Albany. Miss Eliza Kirkland, Clinton, Oneida Co. S. N. York
Aug. 24, 1818 by Albany. Miss Eliza Kirkland, Clinton, Oneida Co. S. N. York
Aug. 31, 1818 by Albany. Miss E. Kirkland, Clinton, Oneida Co. N. York
Agreement etc. of the heirs of Wm Robinson. Oct 15, 1825
Oct. 15, 1825. Schedule of estate of Wm Robinson
Executors of Wm Robinson's a/c with Edw. Geo. Ch. & Elizabeth Robinson. Sept. 1, 1830
Southington papers Ch. & Eliz. Robinson etc. also Edw. Robinson
Articles of personal property received, June 1, 1832
Edw. & Elizabeth Robinson's certificate of accounts. June 3, 1832
Elizabeth Robinson's rec't. July 5, 1833
Edw. & Elizabeth Robinson's certificate of acc'ts. July 6, 1833
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