1822-1825. Nos. IV, V. Christian race
- Collection
- Edward Robinson
- Genre
- Manuscripts
- Subgenre- Manuscripts
- Addresses, sermons, essays, and other writings
- Contributor Name
- Robinson, Edward, 1794-1863
- Dates
- October 13th, 1822
- November 24th, 1822
- January 19th, 1823
- February 23rd, 1823
- March 2nd, 1823
- October 12th, 1823
- October 26th, 1823
- December 7th, 1823
- February 22nd, 1824
- June 27th, 1824
- October 10th, 1824
- December 5th, 1824
- August 14th, 1825
- October 23rd, 1825
- Language
- English
- Extent
- 44 images
- Abstract
- E 1822, Oct. 13 Sermon written by E. R. and delivered first at Britain (Berlin) CT and then 13 times between 1822 and 1825. Text based upon Hebrews 12:1-2.
- 1822, Oct. 13, Britain (Berlin) CT. "Nos. IV, V." "Christian Race." Text: Heb. 12:1,2 "Therefore, seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, & the sin that doth so easily beset us, & let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author & Finisher of our faith." 21 folios. On the back cover are listed five hymns which E. R. must have thought appropriate to be sung whenever he delivered this sermon. They are: "God of eternal love," "My God, my portion, & my all," "Strait [sic] is the way, the door is strait," "Awake our souls, away our fears," and " Stand up my soul, shake off thy fears." This sermon was delivered again on: 1822, Nov. 24 a.m. Methuen, Mass.; 1823, Jan. 19. South Reading, Mass.; Feb. 23 p.m. Andover Chapel; March 2 a.m. Wilmington, Mass.; Oct. 12 a.m. New Haven, North Conn.; Oct. 26 p.m. Southington, Conn.; Dec. 7 a.m. Andover, N. P.; 1824, Feb. 22 a.m. Newbury Port, McDimmick [?]; June 27 am/pm Charlestown, Mass. Mr. Fay; Oct. 10 am/pm Kensington (Berlin) Conn.; Dec. 5 p.m. Andover S. P.; 1825, Aug. 14 am/pm Dedham Mr. Bayes; Oct. 23 a.m. Wolcott, Conn.
- Note
1822-1825. Nos. IV, V. Christian race
1822, October 13 - Sermon written by Edward Robinson and delivered in Britain, Connecticut. Also delivered in thirteen other locations/dates.
Sermons written by E. R. (1822–1825) and a Pastoral Prayer (author and date unknown)
Original digital object name: yhm-spe-rob-e02a
- Subject Topical
- Sermons, American
- Pastoral prayers
- Sermons
- Commentaries
- Congregationalists
- Hymns
- Subject Name
- Robinson, Edward, 1794-1863
- Subject Geographic
- Middleton (N.H.)
- Berlin (Conn.)
- Kensington (Conn.)
- Massachusetts
- New Haven (Conn.)
- Restrictions on Access
- There are no restrictions on access to this resource.