On June 21 1837 ER received two passports. The first, both signed by John Forsyth (1780-1841), Secretay of State 1834-1841. The first passport, to ER, 'Reverend and Professor of Theology', already 43 years old, bound in leather, holds the first passport formal page, and 8 pages with signatures. The firsdt: US legation in Berlin, November 9 1837, for going through Greece and Egypt through Dresden and Vienna. Gliddon in Alexandria, January 2 1838, Chasseaud in Beirut July 7. The second passport is for 'the Revd. Edweard Robinson, accompanied by his Lady, two children, and female servant'. First signature US Legate in London, n.d., than in Belgium (Sptember 8 1837). On October 25th from Vienna, where TAKVJ went after Smth called her to sick ER. Jasper Chasseaud, US Consul to Beirut 1836-1850.