- Note
Physical description: Ms. copy, 5 p. 37.5 cm. Tied.
Item note: An Act Additional to and Explanatory of the Act Entituled "An Act for the better Ordering and regulating of his Majestys high and Hoñble Court of Exchequer and Pleas of the Crown in this Jsland
" as also for Removing all Doubts, Correcting Errors, and Supplying the Want of Continuances of the proceedings on Account of Mistakes, in any Commissions issued to the Barons and Justices, or by Reason of any Misadjournments or The Non-Adjournment of the sd. Court. ...Phillipps MS 36179.
Original digital object name: bei-m131
This digital resource is provided by the Special Collections department, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, United States.