- Note
Physical description: ALS to "Messr. Sidney Clarke Lawr. Carter and Hunter Merchants in Barbadoes," 3 p. 38.6 cm. Mounted on philatelic hinges in folder
folds repaired.
Item note: "Gentlemen I was favored with yours with the Copy of the Account you have sent the Prize Commissioners which I wishe you had forwarded to me for many reasons. For by the whole Tenor of their demands from me the money is what they want, and they give themselves no Trouble about giving up our Bonds... I insist you remit them not the money..." signed "Thos. Frankland"Sir Thomas Frankland, commodore of the fleet at Barbados in 1756, has paid over £20,000 from his own pocket for Germany.
Original digital object name: bei-m134
This digital resource is provided by the Special Collections department, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, United States.