Item note: Deed Of Settlement Of The West India Land Investment Company (ms. cover title)"Dated the 6th day of September 1839 Deed of Settlement Of The West India Land Investment Company. Established March 11. 1839." (ms. title-page).Begins: "This Indenture... [of 6 Sept. 1839] Between The several Persons whose names and seals are hereunto... affixed, except Ioseph Sturge... and George William Alexander... of the first part and the said Ioseph Sturge and George William Alexander of the second part Whereas it hath been agreed that a Company should be formed... to purchase... Real Property in the West India Islands and also in any place or places in South America lying to the north of the Equator... to ameliorate the condition of the Black and Coloured Population... by the establishment therein of Villages and by inducing [them]... to purchase or take... small plots... and to cultivate... on their own account and by such other ways and means as to the Company shall seem meet..."Proprietors include William Brodie Gurney and Constantine Richard Moorsom.Directors are George William Alexander, William Brodie Gurney, George Stacey, Thomas Norton the younger, Constantine Richard Moorsom, Joseph Sturge, Thomas Bielby, John Sturge, Isaac Cooke, George Thomas, John Wylde.Solicitors are Daniel Taylor Rowlinson and William Morgan. No auditors."Sold by James Drake. Law Stationer. 52 New Street Birmingham..." engr. into initial on p. [1].45 proprietors' signatures netted a total of 75 shares at £500 each but paying only £2 up front.With, tucked in back: "1839. W. I. Land Investmt. Co. List of Proprietors, with number of shares held, date of signing Deed, and residences &c." (docket title). Ms. (on paper), 2 p. 40.8 cm. "Additions" column gives proprietors' occupations.