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Description: Found a citation for a 'J. Hosford Smith,' U.S. Consul, Beirut, 1856. Think this is Hermine's J."Horford" Smith who likely also worked out of the Ottoman Consulate in New York. (CS)
Letters to E. R. from members in the academic community, 1841–1859, including Richard H. Dana, Thomas H. Skinner, Stephen H. Syng, Samuel Turner, J. Horford Smith, I. W. Alexander, A. Guyot, George P. Marsh, and a professor in Berlin.
L-7 1858, Nov. 2 Letter (+ envelope) to E. R., 257 Greene St., New York from J. Horford Smith, Ottoman Consulate, Fulton Bank Building, New York. Accepts invitation to meet at E. R.'s home in NYC with members of the Oriental Society. Mr. Smith's name has been proposed by E. R. for membership.