- Note
Physical description: 8-1/4 p. 25.5 cm. Sewn together inside two sheets with illustrations.
Item note: "Sir When I had the pleasure of seeing you, you asked me if I could furnish you with any details respecting the eruption of the Volcano in the Island of St. Vincent in the year 1812, of which I was a near witness. -- I have since procured from a friend some letters, written while the circumstances were fresh in my memory. from which I shall select such facts as may be interesting to you..."The three ink and watercolor drawings measure 12.5 x 17, 10.5 x 17, and 12.3 x 17 cm. in borders.
Original digital object name: bei-m480
This digital resource is provided by the Special Collections department, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, United States.