- Note
Physical description: ALS To the Editor of the United Service Journal, 6 p. 31.5 cm.
Item note: "Sir-- There is a good old wholesome rule which every public journalist ought to bear in mind and that is 'suum cuique tribuene' and I have no hesitation in saying that it is by the firmness by which you Sir, have adhered to this Rule that the 'United Service Journal' has obtained its just celebrity and its powerfull influence with the Public..." signed "Andrew Halliday."Discusses his role in reinstating improved fresh meat rations to the soldier after its reduction by the Comptrollers to save money; comments on the building of the General Hospital at Barbados; a good, meaty letter on military medical and sanitary practices in the West Indies from a practical and experienced standpoint.Pencil note at top of page, overwriting Halliday: "We beg leave to append the following letter..."; pencil note at left margin: "USJ. Augst- Berjois -- to be appended-- to the article headed "the West Indies".Halliday wrote The West Indies: the natural and physical history..., London, 1837, number 830 in this catalogue.
Original digital object name: bei-m558
This digital resource is provided by the Special Collections department, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, United States.