- Note
Physical description: Ms., 1 p. (1/4 sheet). 26.5 cm. with 3.8 cm. signature fold
48.4 cm. wide. Sealed at signature fold
damage at fold.
Item note: "Saint Christopher's./ George, the Second... To John Baker, and Thurston Blackman, Esquires, Iames George Douglas... and Ferdinando John Paris... Greeting. Whereas Iohn Saint Leger Douglas, and Drewry Ottley... have... Exhibited their Bill of Complaint... in our Court of Chancery... against The Honourable Gilbert Fleming... and Ralph Payne... We have Given, unto You... full Power... to take the Answer and Plea, of the said Gilbert Fleming..." signed "Geo: Thomas" (Governor in Chief).Phillipps Ms. 35806.
Original digital object name: bei-m125
This digital resource is provided by the Special Collections department, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, United States.