Personal Names: [birgit?], [Eben?], [Ira?] Hood, [Janus?], [S---?], Abe Lincoln, Andrew Colis, Brother, Charley Gibbs, Dick, Esra Harlow's, George [S-ms?], George French, George Henry Shaw, George Rickens, Hannah, Jacob, Jason Wilbur, Laban Forbes, Marion, Mary Ann, Mc Millan, Mississippi King, Moses, mother, Mother, Mr [Faughan?], Mr Brightman, Mr Burrill, Mr Cole, Mr C's, Mr Gay, Mr Peckham, Mr Staples', Mr. Josiah Harlow, Patrick Murphy, Pillsbury, Sarah, Susan, Swift, Swift's, Sylvanus, Uncle F., Webster Atwood, Organization Names: the 18th, the 19th, Place Names: Arlington Heights, Harpers Ferry, North Bridgewater, Readville, Rhode Island, Washington