- Note
Physical description: a) Ms. on vellum. 73 x 65 cm., folded. Seal, b) folded piece of paper, ms., 2 p. 17.8 cm.
Item note: a) "Sold by Thomas Crispe, Law Stationer, Chancery Lane" engr. on initial.Barbara Campbell sold "All that one undivided Moiety" of Calder Estate and of Calder Bridge in St. Vincent and other properties including the Argyle Estate to The Honorable James Murray, James Macdonald, and Reginald George Macdonald; signed "Bar. Campbell." (b) With, folded into quarters and tucked into bottom signature fold, a small sheet of paper written in pencil on both sides discussing wills and property of persons condemned to death under civil French law: "By the french law... a person condemned to Civil death loses all his property (biens) which devolves as if he were naturally dead intestate also he cannot acquire... or by any means dispose of his property also he cannot be guardian or attesting witness..." Discusses "P"'s [Polignac's?] situation as regards holdings in England and "upon Estates in Island St Vincent." (ms., 2 p. 17.8 cm.)
Original digital object name: bei-m485a-b
This digital resource is provided by the Special Collections department, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, United States.