- Note
Physical description: Ms. on vellum, 1 sheet, 47.8 x 58.6 cm.; pendant seal. Worming with some loss of text.
Item note: First line: This Indenture made the Third day of Aprill in the fourth year of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God of England…
Signed "John Jeaffreson"John Jeaffreson at this time is living in Pettystrey, Suffolk.
Original digital object name: bei-m003c
This digital resource is provided by the Special Collections department, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, United States.
Hough and Hough notes: "Inrolled in the close Rolles in Chancery the fifteenth day of July in the yeare of our Lord 1658 [sic] By Humfrey Haggard... Earle of Carlile & Jefferson & Johnson."Carlisle had been granted a royal patent on 2 July 1627, appointing him Lord Proprietor of the English Caribbee Islands. This grant for 1,000 acres in St. Kitts "now in the actual possession and occupation of the said John Jeaffreson, but late being parcel of certain gardens late belonging to the Indian Savages of the Island" was to Jeaffreson and Johnson, in reward for help in "keeping the Island against the Savages and others" and for "defeating, suppressing and conquering of the Natives and other Savage inhabitants of the Island... indeavouringe to have slayne and extirpated the said John and other his majesties subjects there then planted, dwelling and inhabiting."