- Note
Physical description: Ms. on vellum, 1 sheet rolled the long way. 28.5 x 150 cm.
Item note: "In the Roll of Foreign Accounts of the 1vo Year of King George the Fourth. Anglia. Mather Byles Esquire as Acting Resident Commissary at Grenada... Accounting for the money by him received and of the Expenditure thereof... Rendereth an account [of monies] received by this accountant from Commissary General Valentine Jones at sundry times... which By a Treasury Warrant dated 31o May 1823... Authorising... the Commissioners for Auditing the Public Accounts to discharge... from any further payment... the said Sum... having... been paid... by Mrrs Maria Byles Widow and Executrix of the Accountant... the Accountant is thereby Even. And he is Quit." "30 July 1823 Examined Chad H Ware dep Clk of the Pipe"
Original digital object name: bei-m523
This digital resource is provided by the Special Collections department, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, United States.