Item note: "...quoi quil'y eut peu de temps que vous m'ayez enlevé une fregatte et plusieurs batiments marchand, je ne puis m'enpecher de vous estimes[?] et d'admirer La Conduitte que votre excellence á tenue... elle á justifié pleinement La haute reputation dont vous jouissez parmis nous... hyde parker"It has been suggested that this is ostensibly the letter about which John Knox Laughton wrote in the DNB, "Lamotte-Picquet was unquestionably an able officer, but it is difficult to believe that Parker, as stated by French writers, wrote to say that he esteemed, admired, and envied him (Chevalier p. 156). It is a case in which the text of the letter would be more satisfactory than the paraphrase." Unless this is a contemporary fabrication, we have here such a letter which is, indeed, couched in extravagant terms.