seven sections denoted by xxx 1 "The last yes." 2 a description of escaping in winter while time seems to dissolve 3 "And then- my shawl draped over you- ending my mirrors." 4 asphodel 5 "Just as I saw the spiral wreck of human love and all that's human," a quote from the French writer/artist of polish descent Guillame Apollinaire 6 a nost about how Husband of Water would be a good title for a chapbook 7 "I never knew there could be so many things I did not want," a quote of Socrates
Original digital object name: shahid-man-103a-001-021
This digital resource is provided by The Beloved Witness, a project sponsored by the Digital Humanities Initiative, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, United States.
Agha, S. A. .
Last yes.
Digital Collections, Hamilton College Library.
Agha, Shahid Ali.
“Last yes”.
Last modified May 25, 2023.
Digital Collections, Hamilton College Library.