Page 1 - Letter written by Eliza Cady from Rome, New York, on April 30, 1862 to her brother Lietutenant Rush P. Cady in Washington, District of Columbia
Hamilton College Library, Clinton, New York, United States.
Page 1 - Letter written by Eliza Cady from Rome, New York, on April 30, 1862 to her brother Lietutenant Rush P. Cady in Washington, District of Columbia.
Digital Collections, Hamilton College Library.
Hamilton College Library, Clinton, New York, United States.
Page 1 - Letter written by Eliza Cady from Rome, New York, on April 30, 1862 to her brother Lietutenant Rush P. Cady in Washington, District of Columbia.
Digital Collections, Hamilton College Library.
Hamilton College Library, Clinton, New York, United States.
“Page 1 - Letter written by Eliza Cady from Rome, New York, on April 30, 1862 to her brother Lietutenant Rush P. Cady in Washington, District of Columbia”.
Last modified October 17, 2023.
Digital Collections, Hamilton College Library.
Hamilton College Library, Clinton, New York, United States.
“Page 1 - Letter written by Eliza Cady from Rome, New York, on April 30, 1862 to her brother Lietutenant Rush P. Cady in Washington, District of Columbia”.
Last modified October 17, 2023.
Digital Collections, Hamilton College Library.