Page 2 - I certify that Edward Robinson has, this fourth day of September... 0ne thousand eight hundred and twenty-two... deposited in the Office of the Department of State, a certain Book... the copy-right wherof is claimed
Hamilton College Library, Clinton, New York, United States.
Page 2 - I certify that Edward Robinson has, this fourth day of September... 0ne thousand eight hundred and twenty-two... deposited in the Office of the Department of State, a certain Book... the copy-right wherof is claimed.
Digital Collections, Hamilton College Library.
Hamilton College Library, Clinton, New York, United States.
Page 2 - I certify that Edward Robinson has, this fourth day of September... 0ne thousand eight hundred and twenty-two... deposited in the Office of the Department of State, a certain Book... the copy-right wherof is claimed.
Digital Collections, Hamilton College Library.
Hamilton College Library, Clinton, New York, United States.
“Page 2 - I certify that Edward Robinson has, this fourth day of September... 0ne thousand eight hundred and twenty-two... deposited in the Office of the Department of State, a certain Book... the copy-right wherof is claimed”.
Last modified November 06, 2023.
Digital Collections, Hamilton College Library.
Hamilton College Library, Clinton, New York, United States.
“Page 2 - I certify that Edward Robinson has, this fourth day of September... 0ne thousand eight hundred and twenty-two... deposited in the Office of the Department of State, a certain Book... the copy-right wherof is claimed”.
Last modified November 06, 2023.
Digital Collections, Hamilton College Library.