Page 2 - Letter written by Henry W. Fielding from Camp Remount, near Sandy Hook, Maryland, on October 29, 1864, to his sister, Roselia H. Taylor, and his brother, Stephen Feilding, of Russia Corners, New York
Hamilton College Library, Clinton, New York, United States.
Page 2 - Letter written by Henry W. Fielding from Camp Remount, near Sandy Hook, Maryland, on October 29, 1864, to his sister, Roselia H. Taylor, and his brother, Stephen Feilding, of Russia Corners, New York.
Digital Collections, Hamilton College Library.
Hamilton College Library, Clinton, New York, United States.
Page 2 - Letter written by Henry W. Fielding from Camp Remount, near Sandy Hook, Maryland, on October 29, 1864, to his sister, Roselia H. Taylor, and his brother, Stephen Feilding, of Russia Corners, New York.
Digital Collections, Hamilton College Library.
Hamilton College Library, Clinton, New York, United States.
“Page 2 - Letter written by Henry W. Fielding from Camp Remount, near Sandy Hook, Maryland, on October 29, 1864, to his sister, Roselia H. Taylor, and his brother, Stephen Feilding, of Russia Corners, New York”.
Last modified October 17, 2023.
Digital Collections, Hamilton College Library.
Hamilton College Library, Clinton, New York, United States.
“Page 2 - Letter written by Henry W. Fielding from Camp Remount, near Sandy Hook, Maryland, on October 29, 1864, to his sister, Roselia H. Taylor, and his brother, Stephen Feilding, of Russia Corners, New York”.
Last modified October 17, 2023.
Digital Collections, Hamilton College Library.