Page 3 - Minutes of Regular Quarterly Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the International Institutute of China, Incorporated signed by John Gilbert Reid, April 16, 1927
Hamilton College Library, Clinton, New York, United States.
Page 3 - Minutes of Regular Quarterly Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the International Institutute of China, Incorporated signed by John Gilbert Reid, April 16, 1927.
Digital Collections, Hamilton College Library.
Hamilton College Library, Clinton, New York, United States.
Page 3 - Minutes of Regular Quarterly Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the International Institutute of China, Incorporated signed by John Gilbert Reid, April 16, 1927.
Digital Collections, Hamilton College Library.
Hamilton College Library, Clinton, New York, United States.
“Page 3 - Minutes of Regular Quarterly Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the International Institutute of China, Incorporated signed by John Gilbert Reid, April 16, 1927”.
Last modified May 01, 2024.
Digital Collections, Hamilton College Library.
Hamilton College Library, Clinton, New York, United States.
“Page 3 - Minutes of Regular Quarterly Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the International Institutute of China, Incorporated signed by John Gilbert Reid, April 16, 1927”.
Last modified May 01, 2024.
Digital Collections, Hamilton College Library.