Item note: John Cope, Lieutenant of Marines in Col. Cotterell's Company aboard HMS Anglesea, Capt. Jacob Elton, describes an engagement with the French man-of-war Apollon, Captain Belle Isle."Sir, I am sorry to give no better Account of the Detachment I had the Honour to Comãnd, than that they are Prisoners in France. ... On the 29th: of last Month, we gave Chace to a large Ship, which we took for a Martinico Man... She unhappily proved to be the Apollo of Rochefort... We engaged them... A third Broadside now tore us to Pieces... I believe it might be half an hour after the Death of Captain Elton when all finished with striking the Colours..." Upon the death of Captain Elton and his first lieutenant, command fell to the second lieutenant, Mr. Baker Phillips, who surrendered after a half hour fight. He was later court-martialled and shot. See Schomberg, Naval Chronology 1:212-213, who dates the action 22 April.Phillipps Ms. 28170.