Letters and papers relating to E. R. before his marriage to Eliza Kirkland in 1818.
B-1 1810, Feb. 12 Letter to E. R. in East Haven from his father, William Robinson. It is "No. 9th." His father tries to explain the current illness which has caused him so much pain. From the description, he seems to suffer from prostrate problems. Responds in the affirmative to E. R.'s inquiry about attending a summer school.
1810, February 12 - Letter to Edward Robinson from his father, William Robinson.
Letters from William Robinson (father), Naomi Sophia (step-sister), and William Jr. (step-brother), 1803-1812
Robinson, E. & Robinson, W. .
(1810, February 12).
Rev. Wm Robinson, 12 & 15th Feby, 1810. Mr. Edward Robinson, East Haven.
Digital Collections, Hamilton College Library.
Robinson, Edward and Robinson, William.
February 12th, 1810.
“Rev. Wm Robinson, 12 & 15th Feby, 1810. Mr. Edward Robinson, East Haven”.
Last modified November 06, 2023.
Digital Collections, Hamilton College Library.
Robinson, Edward and Robinson, William.
February 12th, 1810.
“Rev. Wm Robinson, 12 & 15th Feby, 1810. Mr. Edward Robinson, East Haven”.
Last modified November 06, 2023.
Digital Collections, Hamilton College Library.