- Note
Physical description: Ms., 2 sheets 51 x 41 cm., folded. Tied to 13 p. of annexes and affidavits including a copy of Alexander Elmsley's will with probate and an affidavit by Frederick Maitland dated 21 April 1806.
Item note: "To all to whom these presents shall come The Reverend Peter Elmsley... the only acting Executor of... his late Father Alexander Elmsly... Sendeth Greeting Whereas by Indentures of Lease and Release... between Alexander Campbell... and Alexander Elmsley... Alexander Campbell... Did... sell... Lott No. 8 and Lott No. 9... in the Bloody Bay Division of the Island of Tobago... belonging to the late Alexander Elmsley... Now these Presents witness That... Peter Elmsley Hath... appointed... Alexander Scott... Richard Manley... and Andrew Whiteman [of Grenada]... his true... Attornies... Peter Elmsley"
Original digital object name: bei-m428
This digital resource is provided by the Special Collections department, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, United States.