- Note
Physical description: Ms., 5 p. Tied. 32.3 cm.
Item note: "There being several Cases before me which depend upon the Blockade of Curacoa, it may be convenient here to state a general View of them, referring in the other Cases to this Opinion... In respect to this particular Case, it is rather a strong one in favor of the Captors-- for, the invoked Letters tend to shew that the Place was considered as Blockaded by the Persons at Curacoa, and the Vessel being in the Port, the Master could hardly have been ignorant of its Existence - and violated it by lading and bringing away a Cargo..." signed "J. Nicholl."With the papers on Bligh's blockade of Curaçao, M425 in this catalogue.
Original digital object name: bei-m440
This digital resource is provided by the Special Collections department, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, United States.