Description: In the foreground is the Winnipesaukee River. On the left is the bridge. Far right and in the middle is an unidentified house. -- Condition (card: about fine, photograph: good). Quality of the image is good. Black and white picture, 3 5/16 x 2 1/16 inches, on a 5 5/16 x 3 1/2 inches post card. The photo image has 5/16 side margin and a 3/16 inch on top and bottom. This insert picture is set to look like it has been placed in a photo album. The photo album page has the appearance of birch bark. On the upper left edge of the card is a rectangular box in which is printed "Copyrighted 1907 By F. W. Swallow" -- in the lower right, under the picture caption, is "Published by George W. Lord." Card is used.; On back left is space for a message -- in the upper right is a printed box for a postage stamp. To its left is a printed "Post Card." Beneath that is a defined space for an address. Postage stamp is the John Smith one cent stamp. Under the stamp is a dealer's price, in pencil. -- Handwritten on back: "Saturday morning allwell at Home. Your Mother and Edith are over to Luftonboro. Lovely morning. Hope this will find you well and Happy. Love from all CHT." -- Addressed to: "Berniece A. Pope, New Boston, Lock Box 28, NH" -- Postmarked "NH, 9 AM, 1907, New Boston, N.H., AUG ?0, 1907, 6 PM" (New Boston, New Hampshire, August ?0, 1907).