Description: View of Office from the other side of the street. The porches have been added but they are with out the trellises seen in mid-20th Century pictures. The small southern extension is completely visible. -- Condition (card: good, photograph: good). Black and white picture. No borders. Used. 1/2 inch tear on the left side. Unnoticeable when looking at the picture. Next to the printed picture identification is a handwritten note in ink: "Love to you & Eld E. C.or H. (?) Did you leave a little parcel at Office paper &c We will send if you wish. MSW."; Printed in red at the top of the card is "Post Card." Also in red in the bottom left is printed "This side for the Address." -- Along the left margin on the back is the publication information: "A18, Cody Bros., Canterbury, N. H. (Germany)." -- Addressed to: "Eldress E.E. Fitts, Enfield, Shakers NH" -- Postmarked "CONCORD, N.H., LOUDON, PM, JUN 22 1911" (Loudon, Concord, New Hampshire, June 22, 1911 pm). One cent green B. Franklin stamp.