Description: View of the Office from the opposite side of the street. The porches were added around 1900. The building is without ivy, and the south extension is visible. -- Condition (card: fine, photograph: fine). Used. Color-tinted picture. A 1/2 inch border at the bottom of the picture. Picture identification is in that space. Note on the front margin.; Post Card is printed in red on the back. -- In lower left, in red, is printed "This side for the Address." -- Publication information is printed in red on the far left margin "G 18, Cody Bros., Canterbury, N. H. (Germany)." -- In pencil at the top is the seller's price, "$5." -- Addressed to: "Elsie Case, 16 Prospect St, New Brtitain, Conn." -- Postmarked "CONCORD, N.H. DEC 5, 2-30 P, 1906 (Concord, New Hampshire, December 5, 1906, 2:30 pm) -- NEW BRITAIN, CONN, DEC 6, 7:30 AM, 1906" (New Britain, Connecticut, December 6, 1906, 7:30 am).