Genre: Ephemera
Subgenre - Ephemera: Promissory note
Contributor Name: Robinson, Edward, 1794-1863, Norton, Amanda Kellogg, -1844
August 28th, 1821
Language: English
Extent: 2 images
Series Title: Eliza Kirkland and Edward Robinson papers (1812–21).
Collection Membership: Edward Robinson
Genre: Ephemera
Subgenre - Ephemera: Promissory note
Contributor Name: Robinson, Edward, 1794-1863, Bristol, Eli
January 12th, 1819
August 28th, 1821
April 15th, 1822
April 24th, 1822
Language: English
Extent: 2 images
Series Title: Eliza Kirkland and Edward Robinson papers (1812–21).
Collection Membership: Edward Robinson
Genre: Ephemera
Subgenre - Ephemera: Promissory note
Contributor Name: Robinson, Edward, 1794-1863, Robinson, George, 1798-1876
May 31st, 1832
Language: English
Extent: 2 images
Collection Membership: Edward Robinson
Genre: Ephemera
Subgenre - Ephemera: Promissory note
Contributor Name: Robinson, William, 1754-1825
August 30th, 1823 to May 31st, 1824
Language: English
Extent: 2 images
Collection Membership: Edward Robinson