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Ordway's Aeolians! : under the management of J. P. Ordway, will appear at Railroad Hall
Miss Bassano will appear this evening as Norma ; and Miss Anne Romer will perform Adelgisa, in Bellini's opera of Norma : eleventh performance in this country of the celebrated New Orleans Ethiopian Serenaders!
[Second night] of Mr. G. W. Dixon, the distinguished national votary of the comic muse, who will deliver an entirely new Lecture on the Times, in the character of Mawworm
Immense attraction! Crowded houses! New pieces! New songs! New dances!
More novelty! : J. Nickinson, emboldened by the success attending his efforts to amuse the public of Toronto during the last two years
The Sable Brothers, delineators of Ethiopian characters : will appear at [blank] on [blank]
Last appearance but two of the celebrated American comedian, Mr. Rice, the original representative of the American Negro character, who has performed with most unprecedented attraction for upwards of 260 nights in all the principal theatres in London, and throughout the Kingdom : this present Thursday, May 11, 1837
Boz's Juba, with C. W. Pell's Ethiopian Serenaders, from the Royal Gardens, Vauxhall, will give a morning concert at the theatre, this day, Saturday, October 7, commencing at two o'clock
Master Diamond, the great original negro extravaganza dancer, and his coadjutor, Barney Williams
Charley White's complimentary benefit! : and last night of the troupe in Brooklyn, Friday evening Jan. 8th
Wood's minstrels / H Wood proprietor ; S. A. Wells manager ; Saturday afternoon and evening, March 13th, 1852 they will have the honor of presenting the following varied programme
The original and only Sam. Sharpley's minstrels, brass band and burlesque opera troupe : farewell tour! Music Hall. positively two nights only! Saturday and Monday evenings, Nov. 26th & 28th
Unprecedented combinations of comic talent, for four nights only! : bone squash! the happy man! Virginny mummy! / Mr. T. D. Rice the original great delineator of Negro character, and Mr. Barney Williams the celebrated Irish comedian, who, during the last fortnight, attracted crowded houses ; both on the same evening ; on Monday evening, Nov. 12, 1849
The original band of Sable Harmonists : respectfully announce to the ladies and gentlemen of Troy, two more of their unique and fashionable soirees, to take place at the above hall, on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, December 14th and 15th / consisting of W. G. Plumer, J. B. Farrell, J. Tichenor, T. F. Briggs, W. Roark, R. M. Hooley, and S. A. Wells
Burbeck & Browne's Minstrels will give an entertainment at [blank] hall, on [blank] evening
Bryant's Minstrels : benefit of Dan Bryant & Eph Horn!
The great and world-renowned Bryant's Minstrels : the excelsior troupe of the world!
The Campbells are here! : Second week of Murphy, West and Peel's Original Campbell Minstrels
The Campbells have come! : For the recess. The management have great pleasure in announcing, that arrangements have been made for the services of the world-wide celebrated band of Murphy, West and Peel's Original Campbell Minstrels
The original and only Christy's Minstrels and the great comic artiste George Christy
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